Everything tagged "1890s Hong Kong" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "1890s Hong Kong"

"Street Letter Writer"

"Water Famine. Hong Kong"

"Smoking Opium, Water Pipe, Etc."


Gambling (Fan Tan)


"H.E. the Governor"

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

SS Keong Wai

SS 'Keong Wai'. 2 decked Steel screw steamer of 1777 tons Gross wt. built by Fairfield and Co of Glasgow. Owned by Scottish and Oriental SS Co from new in 1895 until 1899 when she was sold to Norddeutche Lloyd of Bremen and became a German registered ship. Richard Unsworth is shown as her Master from 1895 to 1901 and he could have remained as Master if he had taken German nationality, but he firmly declined and took a shore job in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong from the Government House

Photo caption:

Hong Kong from the Government House

Botanical Gardens


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