1860: Reference "Any Ideas where this is?"
1860: Another harbour view
1860: 1860s Bowrington Canal
1860: 1860 Central Government Offices & Murray Battery
1860: Final Harbour Picture
1860: Any ideas where this is
1860: Another mystery picture
1860: Ideas about where this is
1860: St. John's Cathedral
1862: Pedder Street Clock Tower being Built
1862: 1862 View along Chancery Lane from east
1862: 1862 Map of Hong Kong
1862: 1862 View up Old Bailey Street
1862: 1862 View along Chancery Lane from west
1863: Pedder Street Clock Tower
1866: The Harbor Master's New Office
1867: China Punch cartoon
1867: China Punch cartoon
1867: China Punch cartoon
1868: c.1868 View up Cochrane Street
1868: Kowloon Peninsula and Kowloon Bay ?
1868: China Punch cartoon
1868: China Punch cartoon
1868: China Punch cartoon
1868: China Punch cartoon
1869: St. John's Cathedral
1869: View west towards Central Police Station compound
1870: 1870 Praya Central (Des Voeux Road)
1870: 1870s View of Victoria from Scandal Point
1870: Victoria Barracks 1870s
1873: Hong Kong Club building
1873: old Wanchai School to the south of Seamen's Hospital
1873: China Punch cartoon
1873: China Punch cartoon
1873: China Punch cartoon
1873: China Punch cartoon
1874: Peak Signal Station - Flagstaff
1874: 1874 Map of Central
1875: 1870s Junction of Queen's Road C and Ice House Street
1875: View along Queen's Road
1875: Cosmopolitan Dock opens
1876: 1876 Sale of Inland Lot No. 82 - Augustine Heard & Co. Building
1879: View of Victoria Gaol from above
1880: 1880s Junction of Queen's Rd and Wellington St
1880: Prisoners in cangue and policeman
1880: Union Church - Staunton Street
1880: Hong Kong Fire Brigade
1880: 1880 - typical Chinse tenement house
1880: More trees and Wanchai
1880: Union Church - Staunton Street
1880: 1880s Hospital Hill
1880: 1880s Wellington St
1881: 1st R.C. Cathedral sold
1883: 1883 National Hotel
1884: 1884 - Formation of Hong Kong Jockey Club
1884: 1884 - Formation of Hong Kong Jockey Club
1885: View along Wellington Street
1886: Harbourmaster's Office
1886: 1880s view over Tai Ping Shan to harbour
1886: c.1886 View over Central and the Harbour
1886: 1886 Marine Police HQ - Time Ball Tower & Signal Mast
1886: CPS compound from above
1887: 1880s Buildings on the Peak
1888: 1888 Austin Arms Hotel Prospectus
1888: Stag Hotel, contents for sale
1889: Marine Lot #111 in 1889
1889: Survey sheet of Wanchai in 1889
1889: Reservoirs and Conduits 1889
1889: 1889 Map of Kennedy Town
1889: 1888 Stag Hotel - John Olson is manager
1889: Richmond Terrace and Estate and Building Co.
1890: View up the Peak Tram tracks
1890: Hong Kong - The Beginning
1890: Court dress for investiture.jpg
1890: HMS Victor Emmanuel
1890: Bowrington Praya looking South West
1890: 1890s Botanical Gardens
1890: 1890s Kowloon City Landing Place
1890: 1890s Midlevels view
1890: Queen's Road Central
1890: Mosque Street looking East
1890: Seng Yuen Portrait Painter Enhanced.jpg
1890: Taikoo sugar refinery
1890: 1890s View from Flagstaff House / Scandal Point
1890: 1890s Royal Naval Hospital
1890: 1890 Murray Battery
1890: 1890s Junction of Queen's Road C and Ice House St
1890: Looking South towards Aberdeen from Peak
1890: Waterfront in Central District in 1890s
1890: Eyrie and first Mountain Lodge
1890: Queen's Road Central
1890: HSBC Headquarters Building 1890
1890: 1890s HK streetscene
1890: Kowloon wharves & Whitfield Barracks
1890: Fenwick Shipyard 1890s
1890: Fairlea & Bonham Road looking South West
1890: A parade at Central Police Station, 1890
1890: 1890s Botanical Gardens
1890: Beach in front of the Naval Yard
1890: Old Peak Road from Magazine Gap
1890: 1890s Pedder Street Clocktower
1890: Hong Kong Cemetery 1890.jpg
1890: Queen's Road Central
1890: 1890 Site plan of Victoria Battery
1890: c.1890 View of Naval Yard, harbour & TST from Scandal Point
1890: Filter beds-brick built supports-Victorian
1890: Sharp & Co Kowloon Point
1891: 1891年龍津橋 Lung Tsun Stone Bridge
1891: 1891 Knutsford Terrace - To Let Advertisment
1891: Execution of Pirates in Kowloon
1891: 1891 Opening of the Mount Austin Hotel
1891: refinery-page33 crop.jpg
1892: Cheung Wan Map ca. 1892
1892: Central + Causeway Bay Map ca. 1892
1892: 1892 Mount Austin Hotel - Rates for Board & Lodging
1892: 1892 Austin Arms Hotel EGM
1892: 1892 Kowloon Wharf Pillar letter Box
1892: Mt Parker Cable Car from top
1893: Foochow Dec 1892 - Jan 1893.png
1893: royalphotographg00ridprich_0118.jpg
1893: No_06_Hong_Kong_Hotel_by_Lai_Afong
1893: 1890s Peak Tram with bridges
1893: 1890s Hong Kong Hotel
1893: Victoria Gap with Peak Tram Engine House ringed
1893: Queen's Birthday Parade
1893: Queen's Birthday Parade
1893: Queen's Birthday Parade
1893: Military Sanitarium
1894: Looking West To The Peak
1894: c1894 Praya from Harbour
1894: 1890s Victoria Harbour Central
1894: Mountain Lodge 1st Generation
1894: Dr Alexandre Yersin Plague Hut in Hong Kong
1894: plague_inspectors._hong_kong_china._1894
1894: Stands for Public Jinrickshas and Public Chairs 1894
1894: Victoria Hotel Auction Hong Kong Daily Press page 1 24th July 1894.png
1894: The New Victoria Hotel Hong Kong Daily Press page 1 1st September 1894.png
1894: The New Victoria Hotel Hong Kong Daily Press page 1 1st September 1894.png
1894: 1894 Mee Cheung Advertisement
1894: Carmicheal and Co. 1894.jpg
1895: Stream running down from the Peak
1895: Senior police officers at Central Police Station, 1885
1895: 1890s Map of Hong Kong Island
1895: 1895 Cochrane Street
1895: Central Market (from Queen's Road) 1895
1895: Hong Kong Picture.jpg
1895: Praya Buildings - help identify ?
1895: 1890s Temporary Timber Pier - Ice House Street
1895: 1890s Queen's Gardens
1895: Roads around the Peak
1895: VIC Des Voeux Road looking West c1895 HKPL.jpg
1895: 1890s Mount Austin Barracks
1895: 1890s View from the Peak
1895: Central praya C.1895
1895: Central Market (from Praya) 1895
1895: Slope down from road in front of Mount Austin Hotel
1895: 1890s Police in parade ground
1895: 1890s Sheung Wan waterfront
1895: Viewing Wanchai District from Bowen Road 1895
1895: craigieburn 1880s from eternal1966.jpg
1895: 1890s Map of Central District
1895: 1890s Mount Austin Road
1895: Street scene; shop of "Pun Lun, Photographer" in foreground
1895: Portrait Willem Kien, Dresden ca. 1895, photo studio Hahn's
1895: Central praya C.1895 building close up
1895: 1890s Map of Kowloon and New Territories
1895: 1890s Junction of Queen's Road C and Ice House Street
1895: 1890s Kowloon TST Map.jpg
1895: Harbour and Kowloon 1890s
1895: 1890s Peak - Cast Iron Water Tank
1895: 1890s Mount Austin Hotel
1895: 1895 Map of Mount Davis Area
1895: Plan of Saiwan Redoubt
1896: Map of Hung Hom in 1896
1896: 1896 Stereoview: "Chinese Coolies, Hong Kong, China"
1896: Ho Mun Tin watercourses in 1896
1896: Map of Yau Ma Tei in 1896
1896: Loading bricks into carriers
1896: European Houses on Hankow Road
1896: Close-up of Hurley's map
1896: One of Hong Kong's business streets 1896
1896: 1890s View along the Praya
1896: Map of Ho Mun Tin in 1896
1896: Firing a salute on Statue Square
1896: Temporary Building on Statue Square
1896: c.1896. Queen Victoria's Statue
1896: Holland China Syndikaat, founding document, 1896, p. 2/3
1896: Holland China Syndikaat, founding document, 1896, p. 1/3
1896: Holland China Syndikaat, founding document, 1896, p. 3/3
1896: The New Victoria Hotel Hong Kong Daily Press page 1 10th December 1896.png
1897: The Quarry Bay Sugar Refinery
1897: Gap Rock Lighthouse
1897: Map of CPS + Wyndham Street
1897: Grandstand Happy Valley, Hong Kong, Jubilee 1897
1897: Home for the Blind - First Building
1897: Tytam Reservoir (400,000,000 Gallons).
1897: Hong_Kong,_Entrance_to_the_port_by_Lai_Afong_c1890s.
1897: Queen's College 1897
1897: HURLEY(1897)_p172_Map_of_the_KOWLOON_ESTATE_Property
1897: Blake Garden Construction
1897: 1897 map of Tai Wong Lane & Street
1897: Pokfulam Reservoir 1897
1897: The Peak Tramway 1897
1897: Commodore's Bungalow Foundation Stone - 26 January 1897
1897: Map of the Richmond Estate Property
1897: The Richmond Estate From the East
1897: 1897 Tourist Map of China and Soon to be New Territories
1897: 1897 Green Island Cement Co. Advertisement
1897: Salute to the Queen's birthday (1893)
1897: Victoria Hospital Foundation Stone Laying 1897
1897: Laying the foundation-stone of the New Hospital
1897: Demise of Belilios Camel - China Mail p2 1897-07-24
1897: Dockyards at Hung Hom
1898: Kennedy Town Hospital
1898: Medical Staff Quarters on High Street
1898: 1890s Junction of Kennedy and MacDonnell Roads
1898: 1898年九龍寨城對出的砲台 Battery in front of Kowloon Walled City
1898: 1890s Mount Austin Military Band
1898: Portrait F.B. s'Jacob, Shanghai ca. 1898, by Ying Cheong
1898: Poor conditions at Central magistracy
1899: Blake Garden Looking West
1899: 06 Picturesque HK Hong Kong from Kowloon
1899: 10 Picturesque HK Queens Road Hong Kong
1899: 03 Picturesque HK General View of Hong Kong Panorama
1899: 24 Picturesque HK The Flowery Pagoda Canton
1899: 21 Picturesque HK The Pearl River Canton
1899: 18 Picturesque HK A Jinrikisha Hong Kong
1899: 14 Picturesque HK The Peak Tramway Hong Kong
1899: Tramway Managers House next to Engine House.jpg
1899: 11 Picturesque HK The Race Course and Happy Valley Hong Kong
1899: 1899 Taikoo Ropeway
1899: 07 Picturesque HK Royal Naval Hospital Hong Kong
1899: 04 Picturesque HK Hong Kong the Harbour
1899: 25 Picturesque HK Temple of Five Hundred Genii Canton
1899: 01 Picturesque HK Front Cover
1899: 22 Picturesque HK Canton
1899: 19 Picturesque HK Opium Smoking
1899: 15 Picturesque HK Mount Austin Barracks-The Peak Hong Kong
1899: 16 Picturesque HK The Peak Hong Kong
1899: 12 Picturesque HK Tree Ferns Gleneally
1899: 1899 Royal Naval Hospital
1899: 08 Picturesque HK Hong Kong Club
1899: "H.E. the Governor"
1899: 05 Picturesque HK Kowloon from Hong Kong
1899: 26 Picturesque HK The Flower Boats Canton
1899: 02 Picturesque HK Title Page
1899: 23 Picturesque HK The Old Pagoda-Canton
1899: 20 Picturesque HK Macao
1899: 17 Picturesque HK Chinese at Chow
1899: 13 Picturesque HK Hong Kong The Public Gardens
1899: 09 Picturesque HK Queens Road Hong Kong
1899: View of the Sham Chun River (The hills are on British Territory, the valley on chinese Territory)
1899: Detailed map of the boundary for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory in 1899
1899: The Delimitation Commission ascending the Gap from Starling Inlet.
1899: The Delimitation Commission at the source of the Sham Chun River.
1899: Group of the British and Chinese Commissioners, taken at Sham Chun.
1899: The Delimitation Commissioner at the ferry near Sham Chun.
1899: Mr Stewart Lockhart, the British Commissioner, and Mr Wong, the Chinese Commissioner, fixing the first boundary mark in the shore at Starling Inlet.
1899: Arrival of Commissioner at Sham Chun
1899: Governor Sir Henry Arthur Blake and the Viceroy of Guangdong
1899: Flag hoisting ceremony at Tai Po 1899
1899: Holland-China Syndikaat: 1899 trade mark registration
1899: Holland-China Syndikaat: 1899 trade mark registration
1899: Holland-China Syndikaat: 1899 trade mark registration
1899: HMS FAME embarking troops from HMS TERRIBLE
1899: 1899-08-02_Meeting_at_Tai_Po_Market (2)
1899: 1899-08-02_Meeting_at_Tai_Po_Market
1899: Meeting at Ping Shan between Sir Henry Blake and the gentry and elders of the New Territories communities
1899: Sir Henry Blake at the Ancestral Hall of Tang Clan in Ping Shan 1899
1899: Hotz s'Jacob & Co trade registration, Hong Kong Government Gazette, 1899, The Snake Brand
1899: the_connaught_house_hong_kong_daily_press_page_1_1st_december_1899.png
1899: HMS FAME & crew-Hong Kong
1900: Parade Query (levels adjusted)
1900: Lyemoon Pass, Eastern entrance to the harbour
1908: Shewan Tomes book pages
1995: 1897 Victoria Road Foundation Stone
1996: Foundation Stone of the Praya Reclamation Works
1998: Map of Hong Kong in The Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory in 1898
2011: Johann Karl Albert JAHREIS
2021: Gwulo-A623-Modern-map-crop.jpg
: Tai_Ping_Shan_c1895.jpg
: Victoria Hotel Des Voeux Road
: 1890s Praya Central Reclamation
: "Water Famine. Hong Kong"
: Taikoo House on the Peak
: Looking up Arbuthnot Road
: the Gap - HMS Vestal Monument - Happy Valley
: Hong Kong from the Government House
: Image taken from page 9 of 'The Tourist's Guide to Hong Kong, with short trips to the Mainland of China. [With plans, etc.]'
: Carmichael and Co. Lo. 1890s
: Looking towards Robinson Rd.
: Road leading to the Public Garden
: "Smoking Opium, Water Pipe, Etc."
: View south from Government House
: Gilford Negs 009 Invert.jpg
: 3rd Gen. The Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception
: Pg.78: Constabulary Duties
: "Hong Kong Police (Chinese)"
: Queen Victoria's Statue
: Wanchai and Morrison Hill
: 1897 map of Cochrane Street
: Rickshaw at Queen's Road Central 1870-1880
: Unknown building Des Voeux Road