Westend 1870 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Westend 1870

Westend 1870

A: Gas Works
B: Ouchterlony Battery Platform is to the left
C: St Peters Church
D: Reformatory School
F: Civil Hospital Buildings
G: Sunnyside (I forgot to add the letter but it is the large white building between F and H. The two Basel Mission buildings are just ot the left of Sunnyside)
H: Ball's Court
I: Fairlea
To the right of Fairlea is either Avalon or the building to the north of Bonham Road
J: Craigllachie
K: Greenmount
L: Westbourne Villa
M: Sai On Opium Divans
N: Beginnings of Shanty Town

Queens Road West runs close to the waterfront on the left of the picture.

In the Foreground Hill Road is under construction running up to join Pokfulam Road. 

St Peters Church is completed so I have dated the photo to 1871.

The Reformatory School and Orphanage, is up and to the right of B on the headland overlooking Queens Road West

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1871


Westend 1880s
Westend 1880s , by Herostratus