Photos of RAF Sek Kong / Shek Kong Airfield [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of RAF Sek Kong / Shek Kong Airfield [????- ]

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1950: Servicing MK18 Spitfires.jpg

1950: RAF Sek Kong Airfield, early 1950s

1950: Mechanical Service Crew.jpg

1950: RAF Sek Kong Airfield, early 1950s

1950: Bob & Auster Aircraft.jpg

1950: HKAAF

1950: The New Pierced Steel Planking Runway

1950: Welcome to the Shek Kong Hilton

1951: Gordon Randall

1951: Eric McKenzie, Lew Mose, plus 3

1951: HKAAF

1951: HKAAF

1951: 1951 Dakota

1951: Lew Mose, ???, Arthur Garcia

1951: HKAAF

1951: Lew Mose, ano, George Bain, Gordon Randall

1951: 1951 Meteor

1951: Lew Mose

1951: Sgt Akeroid flanked by two Other RAF

1951: HKAAF

1952: Sek Kong amah Ping with daughter Sue.

1953: At RAF Sek Kong

1953: 1953 Sek Kong Valley

1953: RAF Meteor at Sek Kong

1953: Spitfire 1953

1953: At Sek Kong

1953: 1953 Sek Kong Runway - Spitfire Landing Accident

1954: Sek Kong Christmas 1954 b.

1954: Leisure time during National Service with 1st Batt., King's (Liverpool) Regiment 1952-1954

1954: Sek Kong Mess cooks.

1954: Sek Kong Nissen Hut a.

1954: Sek Kong Christmas 1954 a.j

1955: Sek Kong guard room a.

1955: Sek Kong Nissen Hut b.

1955: Sek Kong Mess cook.

1956: 28 Sqdn Bar Flying Horse.

1956: First Canberra in HK Air Marshal Sir Dermot Boyle.

1958: Sek Kong Vampire.

1958: Venom.

1958: Inside Hut.

1958: 1950s Fred Evans' photos

1958: Sek Kong Vampire and Audrey.

1958: Popsey at work.

1958: RAF Tai Mo Shan - Project Cabbage Leaf 1958.

1958: Sek Kong army camp cinema.

1959: RAF Sek Kong swimming pool

1959: RAF Sek Kong swimming pool

1959: WW2 ace Douglas Bader visiting RAF Sek Kong

1960: Sek Kong canteen.

1960: Sek Kong 367 huts and water tank a

1960: Sek Kong Popsi.

1960: Sek Kong grass cutters.

1960: Sek Kong to washing lines.

1960: RHKAAF Widgeon helicopter

1960: Sek Kong from Namus 1960.

1960: Sek Kong 367 huts and water tank b.

1960: Sek Kong warning sign.

1960: Sek Kong Land Rover.

1960: RAF Sek Kong

1960: Sek Kong RAF billets.

1960: Sek Kong.

1960: Sek Kong main units.

1960: spotter plane crashed.

1961: 1961 RAF Sek Kong

1963: Sek Kong from Tai Mo Shan b

1963: Sek Kong from Tai Mo Shan a

1967: 1967 HK NT John over Sek Kong

1968: Shek Kong Airstrip

1975: 1975 RAF Sek Kong

1982: 1980s RAF Sek Kong Helicopter Dispersal Area

1983: Wessex Sek Kong Shaffi.jpg

1983: RAF Sek Kong

1992: 1990s Army Air Corps Scout Helicopter

1996: 1996 Sek Kong Runway

1996: 1996 RAF Sek Kong

1996: RAF Sek Kong Station Badge

1996: 1996 Sek Kong Airfield

1996: Sek Kong Airfield Guard House 96

: 1950s Fred Evans' photos

: 遠志高程.jpg

: 1950s Fred Evans' photos