Hong Kong in colour | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Hong Kong in colour

This newsletter usually features a black & white photo, so let's see some colour for a change.


That's how they were described on eBAY when I bought them.

A good thing about slides is they often have a date printed on the cardboard frame. These show "AUG 69", when the Peak still towered over Central's buildings ...


1969. Hong Kong island from across the harbour


... and today's Admiralty district was still very low-rise.


c.1968 view of Central & Admiralty


We'll see plenty more views from the harbour, as there is at least one in every tourist's album! Other popular scenes come from the standard tour around Hong Kong island, or a day trip to the New Territories:


Old ladies in walled village


Looking at the walls, I guess these ladies were photographed in Kam Tin walled village.

If we're lucky, we also get a couple of shots like these that are different from the usual tourist scenes. Any thoughts on where they were taken?


Street scene


Densely packed buildings in Kowloon



Our next photographer likes construction. We still get the classic tourist views:


Nighttime view of island from TST


Gloucester Road traffic jam


But buildings are his preference (Admiralty doesn't look low-rise any more!):


Buildings in Admiralty


Buildings in Admiralty


If the photo can include a digger, so much the better...


Buildings in Admiralty


In the next view he's looking at some larger construction project underway. Does anyone recognise what was being built?


Building site


"Are the 1980s too recent to count as history?"

Sometimes I'm asked if modern photos are suitable for posting here on Gwulo. I answer that if a photo captures a change, it's good to see. So this is my favourite slide in the set. It catches the old tidal basin at HMS Tamar being filled in:


Filling in the tidal basin at HMS Tamar


There aren't any dates printed on these slides, but they weren't taken in the 1980s - the tidal basin wasn't filled in until the 1990s. The descriptions on eBAY aren't always accurate!



Aahh, "Vintage"... must be worth a high price!


Connaught Road seafront


The first set two sets we saw were taken by visiting amateur photographers. This one is from a set that was taken professionally, then duplicated and sold to tourists. These commercial slides often fade badly - we'll see some examples in later newsletters. This one has held its colour pretty well though.

The slide has "CONNAUGHT ROAD C" stamped on the cardboard frame. We're looking at the section of Connaught Road between Gilman Street (just out of sight on the left) and Rumsey Street (just past the white Marine Department building at the right). We can see the same section of seafront in the 1969 photo at the top of the page. By 1969 several of the old shophouses shown here had been demolished and replaced by office buildings, so this is an earlier photo from the late 50s or early 60s.



Vintage again!


Castle Peak Hotel


Another commercial slide, this time showing the peaceful view across Castle Peak Road to Lantau. If anyone remembers visiting this hotel, what was it like? I guess it is the brown-roofed building behind the trees, but can you confirm?


If you have any slides or photos of old Hong Kong that need a good home, please contact me!


If you've enjoyed seeing these, let me know and I'll take a look at some more slides in a future newsletter.

Regards, David

PS you can click / tap on any of the photos above to see a larger version and any extra information we have about it.

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