Photos of Cicely Beatrice Dangerfield WARREN (née TAYLOR) [1901-1970] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Cicely Beatrice Dangerfield WARREN (née TAYLOR) [1901-1970]

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1920: Tug 5 1920s?

1928: Dransfields&Warrens_at_matshed.jpg

1928: Dransfields&Warrens_Stanley_Beach.jpg

1928: Aeneas.jpg

1929: Stanley beach Nurse Randal.JPG

1929: Stonybeach:StanleyBeach.jpg

1934: Swimsuits1930s.JPG

1934: Beach pyjamas.JPG

1934: Stanley matshed1934(2).JPG

1934: Stanley matshed1934(1).JPG