Photos of Holy Spirit Seminary, Aberdeen [1931- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Holy Spirit Seminary, Aberdeen [1931- ]

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1935: Hong Kong Telescope.

1935: 274 The Peak & Stokes Bungalow

1935: c.1935 View over Aberdeen harbour

1935: The Markree Refractor.

1936: 1936 Aberdeen and harbour

1936: 1936 Markree Refractor

1937: Aberdeen Bay River Folk

1938: Holy_Spirit.jpg

1940: Aberdeen from The Peak

1948: 51. Junk Building Yards, Junk Bay, Aberdeen.jpg

1955: Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene

1963: 1963 HK 08 Matilda Hospital east.jpg

1967: 1967 Staunton's Creek

1967: Holy Spirit Seminary and Staunton's Creek

1968: 1968 12 HK Aberdeen Monastery

1971: Chief Justice's House (Lysholt) 18 Gough Hill Road The Peak Hong Kong circa 1971

1986: Aberdeen Harbour

2009: Holy Spirit Seminary, Aberdeen

2016: IMG_2427.JPG

2016: IMG_2516.JPG

2017: Holy Spirit Seminary

: Holy Spirit Seminary 1930s 2.jpg

: Holy Spirit Seminary 1930s.jpg

: Possibly Junk Bay.jpeg