1905: 1905 Construction of the General Post Office
1905: General PostOffice & Government Offices - Floor Plans
1905: General-Post-Office-Details of Entrance and a Gable
1905: General PostOffice & Government Offices - Central - 1905
1906: c.1906 View over Mid-levels and Central to harbour
1906: 1906 View of Hong Kong from the harbour
1907: Connaught Road ca. 1907
1907: Building under construction, Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
1907: 1907 Waiting for Governor Lugard
1912: General Post Office - c.1912
1915: c.1915 Pedder Street
1915: 1910s Praya Central Buildings
1920: 1920s Praya Central (west of the GPO)
1920: Commanders of HMS Tromp and HMS Hertog Hendrik (Dutch) inspect Guard of Honour - April 1920
1920: Guard of Honour Visit of HMS Tromp and HMS Hertog Hendrik (Dutch navy) April 1920
1922: c.1922 View of Hong Kong from the harbour
1923: 1923 Connaught Rd Central looking west
1923: Connaught Road c.1923
1923: Praya (waterfront) around 1923
1925: Hong Kong 1920s, Victoria harbour
1925: Hong Kong Central 1920's
1926: 1926 Queen's Pier Signboard - Motor Boats for Hire
1927: 17 Hilly Hong Kong City from Harbour Panorama
1928: Western Pier at (late) 1920s
1930: resting rickshaw drivers
1931: Central from Peak c.1931
1935: Central District 1935
1935: c.1935 Des Voeux Road Central
1935: c.1935 View of Hong Kong from the harbour
1940: Hong Kong, street scene
1940: Hong Kong, rickshaws on the street
1940: Hong Kong, family crossing the street
1940: Hong Kong, street scene near a post office
1941: General Post Office
1941: Des Voeux Road Central - General Post Office
1941: Praya Central Commercial Buildings
1941: Des Voeux Road Central
1941: General Post Office - Connaught Road Central
1941: Des Voeux Road Central
1941: Duke of Connaught Statue
1941: Sign for China Mail Newspaper Featuring Article by Harrison Forman
1945: 1945 GPO Special Chop
1945: Sailors from US Seventh Fleet visit Hong Kong
1946: 1946 General Post Office (3rd Generation)
1948: 37. Des Voeux Road.jpg
1948: 1948 King's Building
1949: 1949 Central Harbour
1950: 1950s Des Voeux Road Central near GPO
1950: 1950s_general_post_office.jpg
1953: 1953 Des Voeux Road Central
1953: 1953 Des Voeux Road Central
1954: Second mystery photo HK 1954
1955: 1955 General Post Office (3rd Generation) - GPO Arch
1956: 1956 Central waterfront
1956: 1956 Central Reclamation
1956: May 1956 Connaught Road
1957: 1957 Central Pier view
1958: 1958 Royal Mailboat
1958: 1950s Central Waterfront (West of Pedder Street)
1958: 1950s Connaught Road C
1959: 1959 Connaught Road Central
1960: 1960s Connaught Road Central
1962: Typhoon damage downtown.jpg
1963: Mail distribution tower
1963: 1963 HK 23 Blake Pier, GPO.jpg
1963: general post office 1963.png
1963: 1963 Des Voeux Road Central
1964: 1964 Mandarin Hotel
1965: 1960s General Post Office (3rd Generation)
1965: 1960s Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club Betting Office.
1965: c.1966 view of Central
1965: Hong Kong Central and Sheung Wan = 香港中、中環[圖中可見恒生根行大廈、消防局和港外線碼頭] 1960s
1965: 1965 Central reclamation
1965: central waterfront 1965.jpg
1966: A very modern Central
1966: Des Voeux Road April 1966
1967: Central shoreline, 1967
1968: general post office 1968.jpg
1969: 1969. Hong Kong island from across the harbour
1971: General Post Office
1971: Hong Kong - From the Mandarin Oriental - June 1971
1972: Des Voeux Road/Pedder Street 1972
1974: Old Post Office, 1974
1975: Buildings near Star Ferry terminal - HK in '75
1977: Another old building meets the wrecking ball
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: General Post Office, Hong Kong 圖說香港歷史建築
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: Photo631383077328.1_inner_0-0-656-0-0-1000-656-1000.JPG
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade
: old_postoffice_central_1970s.jpg
: 1953 QEII Coronation Parade